Which of the following Statements about Subject-Verb Agreement Is False

As a copy editor, one of the most important rules to remember is subject-verb agreement. This rule ensures that the verb in a sentence matches the subject in number and person. However, there are many misconceptions surrounding subject-verb agreement that can cause confusion. In this article, we will discuss which of the following statements about subject-verb agreement is false.

Statement 1: When the subject of a sentence is singular, the verb should also be singular.

This statement is true. Singular subjects should be paired with singular verbs, while plural subjects should be matched with plural verbs. For example, “She runs every morning” is correct, while “She run every morning” is incorrect.

Statement 2: When the subject of a sentence is plural, the verb should also be plural.

This statement is also true. As discussed above, plural subjects should be paired with plural verbs. For example, “The dogs bark loudly” is correct, while “The dogs barks loudly” is incorrect.

Statement 3: When the subject of a sentence is a collective noun, the verb should be singular.

This statement is false. Collective nouns can be treated as either singular or plural, depending on the context of the sentence. For example, “The team is playing well” uses a singular verb because the team is being treated as a single unit. However, “The team are all wearing different uniforms” uses a plural verb because the members of the team are being treated as individuals.

Statement 4: When the subject of a sentence is separated by a phrase or clause, the verb should match the closest subject.

This statement is true. When a sentence has multiple subjects that are separated by a phrase or clause, the verb should match the subject that is closest to it. For example, “The cat, along with its kittens, is sleeping” is correct because “cat” is the closest subject to the verb “is.”

In conclusion, the false statement about subject-verb agreement is that when the subject of a sentence is a collective noun, the verb should always be singular. Remembering and applying the correct rules of subject-verb agreement can greatly improve the clarity and effectiveness of your writing.