What Is a Waiver in a Contract

When it comes to contracts, waivers are a term that you might come across frequently. A waiver is a legal document that releases one party from their obligation to perform a certain duty under a contract. To put it simply, it is a way for one party to give up a right, claim, or privilege.

What is a waiver in a contract?

A waiver is a provision in a contract that allows one party to give up or relinquish their right to enforce a particular provision of the contract. It can be an express waiver, which is a written document, or an implied waiver, which is implied from the conduct or actions of the parties.

A waiver can be a powerful tool in a contract, as it can be used to release one party from their obligations and responsibilities. It can also be used to resolve disputes between parties, as it can be a way for one party to give up their right to sue the other party over a particular issue.

Different types of waivers

There are two main types of waivers in a contract:

1. General waiver

A general waiver is a broad waiver that covers many aspects of a contract. It waives all rights that the party who signed the waiver may have under the contract. For example, if you sign a general waiver in a contract, you are essentially agreeing to release the other party from all liabilities, claims, and damages.

2. Specific waiver

A specific waiver is limited to a particular provision of a contract. It allows one party to waive their right to enforce a specific term or condition of the contract. For instance, a specific waiver can be used to release a party from their obligation to pay a certain amount of money under the contract.

Benefits of using a waiver in a contract

When used correctly, a waiver can offer several benefits to both parties in a contract. Here are a few reasons why you might want to use a waiver in your contract:

1. It can prevent litigation

A waiver can be a cost-effective way to resolve disputes between parties without resorting to litigation. By signing a waiver, the parties agree to release each other from any claims or liabilities, which can help avoid expensive court battles.

2. It can protect your interests

A waiver can be used to protect your interests in a contract. For example, if you are a subcontractor working on a project, you can use a waiver to protect yourself from any claims or damages resulting from the actions of the general contractor.

3. It can reduce risk

A waiver can reduce the risk of a party breaching a contract by giving them the option to waive certain obligations or responsibilities. This can be particularly helpful in situations where one party is unable to fulfill their obligations due to unforeseen circumstances.


In summary, a waiver is a legal document in a contract that allows one party to give up their right to perform certain duties or obligations. There are two main types of waivers: general and specific, and they can be a powerful tool in resolving disputes between parties. If you are drafting a contract, it is essential to consider whether to include a waiver provision and to ensure that the waiver is clear and legally binding. As always, it is best to consult with a legal expert to ensure that your contract is sound and legally enforceable.