
Facilities We Provide


  • Dating Scan
  • First Trimester Screening (NT, NB, Serum)
  • Doppler Screening For Preeclampsia
  • Early anomaly Scan (16-18 weeks) Targeted Anomaly Scan (TIFFA) 18-20 week
  • Growth Scan
  • OB Doppler For IUGR
  • 3D/4D Extended Anomaly Survey
  • Fetal ECHO
  • Neurosonogram
  • OB Doppler For Foetal Anemia


  • Amniocentesis
  • Chorionic Villus Sampling
  • Cordocentesis
  • Fetal Reduction
  • Amnioreduction
  • Diagnostic Amnioinfusion
  • Intrauterine Blood Transfusion
  • Radio Frequency Ablation
  • Fetoscopic Procedures

All Your Fetal Scan Needs at One Place

Dating Scan

This scan accurately gives you the due date of delivery, we can very well view the growing fetus , heart beat, number of fetuses can be confirmed, examine the nearby structures like ovaries tubes uterus etc
Duration: Takes around 10-15 mins duration

First Trimester Screening

This scan is for detailed structural examination at the earliest, measurement of NT – Nuchal Translucency, other genetic markers like Nasal bone etc.
Duration: 15 mins, delay if Fetal position is unfavourable

Doppler Screening

During NT scan, we also do Dopplers for maternal vessels where we can assess risk for developing preeclamsia (pregnancy induced hypertension &its complications) by Scan. Once assessed can be very well prevented by early prophylactic medicines.

Early Anomaly Screening

Detailed anomaly scan at early weeks, usually done if First trimester scan / NT scan was missed, and for High risk conditions.

Targeted Anomaly Scan

Detailed fetal morphology scan where we systematically examine fetal parts, size, activity, cervical length. Limitations being unfavourable fetal position, poor penetration of ultrasound waves.
Duration: 35- 45 mins, may delay if unfavourable position.

Growth Scan

    To assess fetal size, position, activity, liquor level, Dopplers- blood flow. Duration: 15 min

OB Doppler For IUGR

Doppler ultrasound uses sound waves to detect the movement of blood in vessels. It is used in pregnancy to study blood circulation in the baby, uterus and placenta. Using it in high‐risk pregnancies, where there is concern about the baby’s condition, shows benefits.

3D/4D Extended Anomaly

3D / 4D Scans: After performing detailed 2D scan, 3D/ 4D scan gives additional values to the scans.

Fetal ECHO

Detailed systematic segmental analysis of fetal heart, done along with anomaly scan / at 24 weeks of pregnancy. Duration: 15 min


Detailed evaluation of fetal brain, Duration: 15 min.

OB Doppler For Fetal Anemia

If a baby in the womb develops severe anemia, it may require a blood transfusion while still in the uterus. This procedure is called an intrauterine transfusion, or fetal blood transfusion.

Not Sure What You Need?

Simply give us a call and book an appointment for yourself. We are here to help. Walk into our clinic and let us take a closer look to suggest the best treatment you need.